Assignment 1 "Unconventional Self-Portrait"
Tool & Techniques Exploration
For our first assignment, we start by exploring lines using various tools. We are taught to create lines using different tools such as cotton buds, straws, toothpicks, toothbrush, brush and so on. After doing some explorations on A3 paper, I got to know that different tools can create different thickness and texture of lines.
We were told to draw our own self-portrait by using different types of tools after doing some explorations with the line. Here are my self-portrait drawings by using various of tools !
For this part of assignment, I learned about the space and composition. I played with collages when I was in primary school, but this is the first time for me to combine with my photo. It was fun to cut out all the images that you like from old news paper and magazines and mixed it to become a new image.
Compositional Pencil Sketches
We also did some practices for continuous line sketches. We were asked to draw others people face without lifting our hand. I failed to draw in one continuous line at first as I keep lift my hand while drawing. After doing some practices, I was able sketch people portrait in one continuos line.
It comes to the hardest part for me in this assignment which is pencil sketches! I'm not good in sketching portrait so it takes a lot of time for me to complete my pencil sketches.

Final Artwork
I choose collage as my final artwork as I enjoy the time when I doing collage. Most of the image I find and cut out from cosmetic magazine and it is mostly pink colour. So, I choose pink as my theme. To make my collage more interesting I splash my collage with some pink poster colours.
Here are my final artwork !