Assignment 3 "A5 Creative Book-form of Composition and Layout"
For our assignment 3, we need to make an A5 size book with minimum of 15 pages of marks ! We start this assignment by doing exploration for mark making using different tools and materials. These are the marks I made by using different tools such as sponge, brush, toothbrush, plastic fork, cotton and so on.

White colour mark making on black & grey paper

Black colour mark making on white paper
After doing exploration on mark making, we need to make minimum of 3 book mock-up !
Please take a look for my book mock-up below !
First mock-up
Second mock-up
Third mock-up
Fourth mock-up
I prefer the fourth book mock-up so I choose it as my final ! While looking materials for book mock-up, I found out I have a lot of unwanted boxes at my house. It gave me the idea to put my book in a box ! So, I try to turn the box I have into the size which suit my book. I enjoy the time when I'm doing this assignment and the result are not bad :)