Assignment 4 "Sound Wizards"
Sound Wizards will be the last assignment for CTS and we have to perform at stage in group ! After we grouping ourself, we start listened to all the sound clips. There are 4 sound clips and we have to choose one for our performance. We had a group discussion for choosing the sound clips. After listening to all sound clips, we decide to use "Christmas" as our theme ! We chose the part we want from all the sound clips and mixed it . We listened to the sound clips edited few times and start to choreograph.
Besides that, we made some props and tried to find the costume that suit our performance. We faced a problem when buying our costumes, as some of our costumes order get cancelled. To overcome this problem, we went out together to find our costumes. Luckily, we found the costumes which suit our theme !
Here are some photos for our props.
We also faced problem for finding the place to practice as the lecture hall we usually used for our practice were book for the event. We had no choice and we tried to find for other lecture hall. Lastly, we found experimental theatre which has a large space for us to practice.
After few times of practice, it comes to the submission day. We done our performance successfully although isn't that perfect. I also feel sorry for my teammates as I don't think I contribute as much as they did. However, it is fun to complete this assignment with them !