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CTX Lecture 3 "Visual Semiotics"

In this lecture, Mr Choy had talk about Visual Semiotics. So, What is visual semiotics?

Visual Semiotics ?

Visual semiotics is a sub-domain of semiotics that analyses the way visual images communicate a message.


- From the greek word "theoria".

- To reflect, observe, view, dictionary; describes it as a system of things, explanation of abstract principles whether in science of art.

- Can be speculative or deductive or based specific hypothesis.

- Can also be based on evidenced and data.

Theories applied in graphic design and visual communication.

- Taken from a general study of the science of signs

- Europe : Semiology

- USA : Semiotics

Saussure and Pierce

- Ferdinand de Saussure 1857-1913

- Swiss professor of linguistics

- Charles Sanders Peirce 1839-1914

- American philosopher

- Semiotics were central to their studies

- Developed structural models of signs.

Saussure's model

-Signified- denote (fact)

- Signifier- connotation ( representations or interpretations)

Peirce model

- Philosopher & founder of the American tradition of semiotics

- Signifier

_ Similar to Saussure but different terms.

3 main areas that form what we understand as semiotics

- signs themselves

- way they are organised into systems

- context in which they appear

Example : The word "dog" has 3 phonemes : d,o and g. In written form, the letter 'd', 'o' & 'g' represent the sounds.

Sound = idea/Image = signified.

"DOG"= representation/ meaning = signifier

When brought together= SIGN !

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